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Essay writing contest

edugeeksclub writing contest starting in 2018

The contest is closed!

Hello everyone,

EduGeeksClub is ready to announce the winners of our essay writing contest!

But first of all, we would like to thank all who sent us their submissions. It was a pleasure to read each and every essay. You guys are wonderful!

So, winners are:

1st place - Anna Russell The Person I Still Remember from School

2nd place - John Cox The Most Important Lesson College Has Taught Us

3rd place - Judith Davis Pros and Cons of Being a Straight-A Student

Winning essays will be published on our blog in a few days.

Also, 8 best essays written on each topic will be published on our blog.

We hope to see you again!

Hello enthusiastic students, passionate writers, achievers, incurable explorers and everyone who adores writing.

We are happy to announce the first EduGeeksClub writing contest!

If you like to express your opinion, have fresh ideas and love to write, this is a perfect opportunity to try your hand. We are looking for new talents who can surprise us.

And those who will - receive money prizes and the opportunity to publish their works on our blog.

So how can I apply?

Please send us your essay to

  1. Word count: keep your writing from 600 to 1000 words.
  2. Your essay should be unique and written by yourself. We will check its uniqueness on plagiarism check software.
  3. It should be written in the English language only.
  4. Submission format: file either in doc. / docx. / pdf. named Essay_Contest_(your name and surname).
    Example: Essay_Contest_John_Smith

In the file also please designate:

  • Contact email
  • Country of origin
  • Your age
  • Topic of your essay
  1. The number of entries: you can submit a few essays if you would like to.
  2. The admission is FREE.

Essay topics:

  1. The most important lesson college has taught us.
  2. Pros and cons of being a straight-A student.
  3. The biggest difficulty I face while writing assignments.
  4. Why I don’t like studying but love learning.
  5. Should “gifted” students receive special educational treatment?
  6. Tech in the classroom: to what extent it is a reasonable implication.  
  7. Why multicultural classroom is one of the best results of globalization.
  8. The person I still remember from school.


The contest is open to individuals regardless of their location, age or nationality.

What you get:

First Prize - $450

Second Prize - $350

Third Prize - $300

4-13 consolation prizes: publication on our blog with the author credit!

Dates for submission:

Essays will be accepted from September 1, 2018 throughout May 31, 2019 and must be sent within that period to our contest-email


All winners will be announced on June 15, 2019 on the contest page of our website.

Looking forward to reading your amazing admissions!

Help us spread the word! Share it everуwhere!

*By sending us an essay you agree that it has not been published anywhere else before May 31, 2019. You agree that we have a right to publish your writing on our blog indicating your credits (name and surname).

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